It's been 3 weeks since surgery, and Lauren is doing GREAT! We have been simply amazed at how well she has done. She is down to only taking Advil at night (she is only comfortable sleeping on her back, so she gets stiff and sore from being in the same position all night). She takes no pain meds during the day! Can you believe that? She is able to get around by herself, dress herself, shower, and even do some light chores around the house (for this I am VERY grateful). Yesterday, she even held Aaron on her hip...all 19 lbs. of him! The only thing she still has trouble with is stretching her arms completely above her head and getting in and out of the bed. I usually go in at least once during the night to help her sit up for a minute to help stop some of the stiffness/soreness. This morning she sneezed (I don't think she's sneezed even once since surgery), and that hurt bad enough that it made her cry.
Two days ago, we went to see Dr. Berch for her first follow-up visit. He took an x-ray, and we got to see it. It's a little crazy seeing that huge bar inside her...I mean, we know it's there, but seeing it was a little surreal. He was also amazed that she was able to come off the Lortab as quickly as she was and that she is getting around as easily as she is. We, of course, know that it is only because of our merciful Lord that it has been like this. Dr. Berch said he plans to release her for normal activity (no contact sports, which she doesn't do anyway) the middle of May, which would be 3 months post-op. Of course, we asked about ballet, and his first response was "in May"...but then he came back and said as long as she doesn't have a risk of falling or colliding with someone she could resume some ballet classes in another couple of weeks if she feels up to it. She will just need to be careful at first and not do jumps or too many turns. He encouraged her to keep working on getting her arms up above her head, and I think the stretching she does in ballet will help that a lot.
Thanks again for all of your prayers and words of encouragement. It's really busy around our house, so I probably won't update the blog until her 3 month doctor visit the middle of May.
While in Jackson for her doctor visit, we took the opportunity to go to the Mississippi Children's Museum. Although she was a little upset that she couldn't climb in all the tunnels and do all the things she wanted to do, they all had a great are a few pics: